Break Down


The “waffles” AKA Fox Den Raffles (named so as to avoid the ever watchful eye of the Zuch) are the Fox Den’s attempts to bring you a little fun, while still brining you all that THC goodness that you’ve come to know and love.

Step One-- the “Group”

The first step is making sure that you are indeed part of the Fox Den’s secret waffle group. If you’re not, please Facebook Message either Jayy Fox or Ma Fox and we’ll get you hooked up.

Step Two-- “Find the waffle”

Waffles are posted several times a day, but taken down after they are “closed and Run” (see below for further explanation on that) again to avoid being “Zucked”. Look for the Gif with the attached comment “check the comments, and good luck!”.

Step Three--“Entering the Waffle”

This can sometimes be the hardest part of the whole ordeal. All waffles have a brief description of the product being raffled as the first comment (usually a copy and paste picture). Along with the description, is the amount of ‘spots’ per raffle. EXAMPLE: 15@10. This means that there are 15 spots at $10 a spot. The second comment is the “Board”. The Board is the official list of the waffle. The board fills as people comment their number strait down (no sub-commenting for spots as they won’t be accepted) in the order that they commented. ‼️In event of two people “calling” the same number, the person who comments first gets the spot. ‼️

Step four-- the “ Doughnations.” ​

Doughnations  are made immediately after the board fills. If this is your first waffle, please Private Message Jayy Fox after choosing your spots and he will direct you towards the Doughnation options. Once doughnations are made please then message Jayy Fox a Screenshot of your Doughnation for proof of payment, and your spot will be secured.

On the larger waffles, you are given 1 hour from the time the Board closes to make your Doughnations and PM Jayy the screenshot (and only Jayy please). Failure to do so will result in your spots being sold at the end of that hour.

Final Step— the “Run”

The ‘Running’ or ‘spinning’ of the waffle is done at the end of 3-5 rounds, or when 3-5 different waffles are completed and filled. This is done via Facebook Live video. Jayy will begin a live video on the Fox Den’s Facebook group, tagging everyone involved in the raffles being “spun” (hopefully!!!... ⚠️  he occasionally misses a person here and there). The Board is copy and pasted onto a wheel on Wheel, and spun live in front of everyone as to avoid foul-play. Winners are then announced for individual waffles and the winner should expect to receive a private message from Jayy shortly afterwards.


In the event of a connection failure or Wheel failure in the live video, wheels will be Re-spun EVERY TIME --you are allowed to ask for a “random” number as your place in any game with a board ABOVE 20 SPOTS! Any random called on a board below 20 will not be honored.

